Praise to Joy 1st International Photo Contest

The Number of Participants
Total Number of Participants 421 Person
Total Number of Male Participants 275 Person
Total Number of Female Participants 146 Person
Number of Photos
Total Number of Photos Uploaded 1488 Number
Number of Participants by Category
Number of Category Participants (Digital Color) 421 Person
Number of Participants by Category / Gender
Total Number of Male Participants (Digital Color) 275 Person
Total Number of Female Participants (Digital Color) 146 Person
Number of Photos by Category
Number of Photos Uploaded (Digital Color) 1488 Number

Country Based Statistics

Number and Total of Participants by Country and Categories
Digital Color Toplam
Azerbaijan 1 1
Bangladesh 3 3
Brazil 1 1
China 87 87
Cyprus 1 1
Egypt 7 7
India 13 13
Iran 28 28
Iraq 3 3
Israel 1 1
Myanmar 10 10
Netherlands 1 1
Palestine 1 1
Philippines 1 1
Poland 3 3
Russia 2 2
Sweden 1 1
Switzerland 1 1
Thailand 1 1
Turkey 247 247
United Kingdom 1 1
Vietnam 7 7