İzmir Göztepe Rotary Club Association - IFOD - 9th International Photography Contest

The Number of Participants
Total Number of Participants 405 Person
Total Number of Male Participants 315 Person
Total Number of Female Participants 90 Person
Number of Photos
Total Number of Photos Uploaded 1455 Number
Number of Participants by Category
Number of Category Participants (Digital category: color or black-white photographs) 405 Person
Number of Participants by Category / Gender
Total Number of Male Participants (Digital category: color or black-white photographs) 315 Person
Total Number of Female Participants (Digital category: color or black-white photographs) 90 Person
Number of Photos by Category
Number of Photos Uploaded (Digital category: color or black-white photographs) 1455 Number

Country Based Statistics

Number and Total of Participants by Country and Categories
Digital category: color or black-white photographs Toplam
Azerbaijan 2 2
Bangladesh 13 13
Belarus 1 1
Belgium 1 1
Brazil 2 2
Chile 2 2
China 3 3
Croatia 1 1
Egypt 3 3
Finland 1 1
France 2 2
Germany 1 1
Greece 1 1
Hungary 7 7
India 39 39
Indonesia 3 3
Iran 15 15
Iraq 1 1
Israel 2 2
Luxembourg 1 1
Malaysia 1 1
Myanmar 8 8
Oman 2 2
Philippines 1 1
Poland 4 4
Portugal 1 1
Republic of South Africa 1 1
Russia 11 11
Saudi Arabia 1 1
Singapore 1 1
Slovenia 1 1
Spain 4 4
Turkey 253 253
Ukraine 1 1
United Kingdom 1 1
Vietnam 13 13
Country-Based Total Participant and Photo Count
Total Number of Participants * Total Number of Photos Uploaded
Azerbaijan 2 8
Bangladesh 13 49
Belarus 1 4
Belgium 1 4
Brazil 2 8
Chile 2 8
China 3 12
Croatia 1 4
Egypt 3 11
Finland 1 4
France 2 8
Germany 1 2
Greece 1 4
Hungary 7 25
India 39 149
Indonesia 3 12
Iran 15 53
Iraq 1 2
Israel 2 8
Luxembourg 1 4
Malaysia 1 4
Myanmar 8 28
Oman 2 8
Philippines 1 4
Poland 4 13
Portugal 1 4
Republic of South Africa 1 4
Russia 11 44
Saudi Arabia 1 4
Singapore 1 4
Slovenia 1 4
Spain 4 14
Turkey 253 884
Ukraine 1 4
United Kingdom 1 4
Vietnam 13 49
* Total Participant Count: This is the number of people participating in the categories of the competition. If there are multiple categories, the same person may have participated in different categories. This means that the total participant count represents the total number of people who have participated in the categories.