Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Kocaeli Kent Forumu Fotoğraf Sergisi

The Number of Participants
Total Number of Participants 57 Person
Total Number of Male Participants 44 Person
Total Number of Female Participants 13 Person
Number of Photos
Total Number of Photos Uploaded 254 Number
Number of Participants by Category
Number of Category Participants (Exhibition) 57 Person
Number of Participants by Category / Gender
Total Number of Male Participants (Exhibition) 44 Person
Total Number of Female Participants (Exhibition) 13 Person
Number of Photos by Category
Number of Photos Uploaded (Exhibition) 254 Number

Country Based Statistics

Number and Total of Participants by Country and Categories
Exhibition Toplam
Turkey 57 57
Country-Based Total Participant and Photo Count
Total Number of Participants * Total Number of Photos Uploaded
Turkey 57 254
* Total Participant Count: This is the number of people participating in the categories of the competition. If there are multiple categories, the same person may have participated in different categories. This means that the total participant count represents the total number of people who have participated in the categories.

City Based Statistics

Number of Participants by City
Kocaeli 28 Person
İstanbul 13 Person
Sakarya 5 Person
Bursa 4 Person
Ankara 2 Person
Konya 1 Person
Eskişehir 1 Person
Erzincan 1 Person
Bolu 1 Person
Antalya 1 Person