Arbella 14th International Photography Contest

Contest Name
Arbella 14th International Photography Contest
Contest Statement
In the 2024 Arbella 14th International Photography Contest, there are a total of three (3) categories within the Digital Photography section: a. Peace In The World (Colour and/or Black and White) - (Digital) b. The Magic of Taste (Colour and/or Black and White) - (Digital) c. Open (Colour and/or Black and White) - (Digital) Participants may submit up to four (4) photos for each category. Color and/or Black and White versions of the same photograph cannot be submitted to more than one category. Photos will be uploaded online using the web address
Contest Specifications
Okumak için tıklayınız.
- Contest Start Date 15.07.2024 00:00
- Deadline for Participation 04.08.2024 23:00
- Board Meeting Date 10.08.2024 00:00
- Announcement of Results 17.08.2024 00:00
Institutional Information
- Issuing Authority
- Arbella Makarna Durum Gıda Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş
- Secretariat Officer
- Fatih Emre BULUT
- Secretariat E-Mail Address
- [email protected]
- Secretariat Telephone
- 3242411111
TFSF Representative and Approval Information
- Representative Name Surname
- Temsilci Görevlendirilmemiştir
- TFSF Verification Code
- 2024-029
- FIAP Verification Code
- 2024-205
- GPU Verification Code
- L240044