2nd International Photography Contest of Aladag

Contest Name
2nd International Photography Contest of Aladag
Contest Statement
2nd International Photography Contest of ALADAG is in 3 sections; a) DIGITAL: OPEN (Color/ Monochrome) b) DIGITAL: LANSCAPE (Color) c) DIGITAL: TRAVEL (Monochrome & Color) All participants must enter the http://www.aladag.otofokus.org/ and http://www.otofokus.org, https://tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/ to join the contest. They must accept the Conditions of Participation (entry rules). Participants must to check the accept box. Then check the accept box, Participants are deemed to have accepted all the terms.
Contest Specifications
Okumak için tıklayınız.
- Contest Start Date 15.08.2023 00:00
- Deadline for Participation 09.11.2023 23:59
- Board Meeting Date 12.11.2023 00:00
- Announcement of Results 15.11.2023 00:00
Institutional Information
- Issuing Authority
- Aladağ Municipality
- Secretariat Officer
- Mustafa ŞAHİN
- Secretariat E-Mail Address
- [email protected]
- Secretariat Telephone
- 5327356365
TFSF Representative and Approval Information
- Representative Name Surname
- Temsilci Görevlendirilmemiştir
- TFSF Verification Code
- 2023-079
- FIAP Verification Code
- 2023/595